Tuesday, November 08, 2005


I found this picture funny so I thought I'd share it with you...not that I agree with the concept because I never cost any boy a penny :) Although I do agree that girls are evil...but for a reason completely different. I like to call that reason gossip.
All my life I’ve grown up in a family where the boys outnumber the girls by far. Well, I guess when I say ‘by far’ I really mean by one…but you catch the drift. I’m used to the things guys do whether it be chewing food with their mouths open or just randomly punching someone in the arm. It wasn’t until recently that I moved in with 7 girls. I know you’re all cringing at the thought, but it really isn’t as bad as it sounds. The house I live in is 3 floors, with 2 kitchens and 3 bathrooms so we’re all spread apart so we don’t get into each others’ space too often, but it’s definitely taking some getting used to. Slowly but surely I’m learning to love it here.
I was sitting on the bus last week on my way to school and I overheard a conversation between two girls. It pretty much consisted of “She said this” “He said that” “She’s a B*tch” “Did you hear what this person did”…etc. I sat there in utter shock. I could not believe the way they were talking about other people. Do girls really gossip that much? I decided to put it to the test…oh I can just see you now sitting on the edge of your chair, biting your lip because you’re just 'OH SO EXCITED' for what comes next…haha :)
So let’s get back to the ‘me living with 7 girls’. I decided I was going to pay special attention to the conversations going on in our house. I noticed that approximately 90% of our conversations revolved around ‘gossip’. Whether it be an issue that someone had with another person living in our house, someone at school, or even a friend back home. Gossip happens. What’s worse is that I found myself taking part in it. Sometimes I disgust myself. Ok, so now that I know that I’m saying things I probably shouldn’t be saying…how do I know that everyone else isn’t talking trash about me. Oh, the vicious circle!
God, help me…


Anonymous Anonymous said...

By you actually writing this are you not gossiping about the girls on the bus or the girls living in your house?

All conversations consist of “gossip.” But what is gossip? Talking about people? What about when you’re talking good about people, or what if you have to report something that someone did, are you gossiping then? Or is gossiping anything that makes the person you’re talking about look bad?

You’re a girl, so you’re evil, so I wouldn’t worry about it. It’s not your fault. Remember my blog I did a while ago about woman ruining society…. I was so right! Muahah

4:19 AM  
Blogger Natalie Frisk said...

OH, Ron, get over yourself.

1:50 AM  

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